Have you seen or experienced this: When someone is seriously ill, including mentally, people withdraw from them? It almost seems as if this is some sort of inherited survival strategy within the genes. I know that when somone is terminally ill, people often back off. It always struck me as selfish, self sparing. I understand the desire to avoid the pain of the situation, but I dont know if I can reconcile it with Christianity. This is so true with people with mental illness, or depression. People, not just JW's, tend to back off and leave be. This isn't the best strategy.
Yes, the Society has a lot of power and uses it. I still believe that they only have the power we give them. There is a majority in the truth who look forward to the "Picnic with a Panda" world than the "End of this System Judgement" one. They are quite happy and do not feel controlled or suicidal. Anyone, in any religion can have self esteem issues. Yes, the society discouraged psychiatrists in years past, a sin to be reckoned with, but now it is the fricken rage to see one or have meds, even among the Witnesses in this area. If what you say is true, I hope that those under the spell of the athoratative WTS will see it for what it is and break freee. I still cannot believe that the society is any more responsible for the suicides of others than their cable service that shows such hopelessness. Just watching "Lifetime" movies, or the news itself can send people over the edge.....
again, my sympathys to the family. We should keep our eyes on those we love for the warning signs in case they are visible. Most often they are not.
Best wishes to you and respect for your opinion,